In today’s society, the world is rapidly changing and advancing in new ways. Due to the quickness of the world’s advancements, no one can predict exactly what will happen in the years to come. Sir Ken Robinson gave a TED talk in 2006 explaining why he thinks that the education systems and boundaries placed on children around the world need to be changed. His main concern with education today is that we are forcing children to be a certain way and not allowing them to express themselves through their own creative ways. As Sir Ken Robinson puts it, “If they don’t know, they’ll have a go. They aren’t frightened of being wrong.” What he means by this is that if kids do not know what people want them to do, they will make something up, and if they are incorrect, they don’t always mind. However, eventually they will limit their creative abilities to a certain level in order to receive praise from those around them. Later he makes the point that because of this, “Children do not grow into their creativity, they grow out of it.” By this he means, that everyone is born with their own special talents and abilities, but frequently people will not progress in certain talents of theirs in order to please society. Sir Ken Robinson is trying to get education to bring out the creativity in the youth rather than demolish it.
Sir Ken Robinson makes his points in a variety of ways. His most effective technique is through laughter. He often times makes a joke that correlates to his topic in order to prove a point to the audience. Another effective method of his is to connect his main ideas to a personal story or interesting story in order to keep the audience interested in his speech. Through laughter and stories, Robinson is able to connect with the listeners and then make an important point. By associating his main points with stories and jokes, the audience is more likely to remember his points and understand them better. His tone of voice is mellow and relaxed which makes his presentation seem more like a conversation rather than a speech. Through all these techniques, Sir Ken Robinson leaves a lasting impression on his audience.
Robinson’s presentation style was basic and relaxed. He had no slides, videos, diagrams, charts, pictures, or any other form of visual aide in his talk. Robinson made all of his points verbally which in my opinion made his ideas more important. When he spoke, he spoke with a passion so deep that the audience could understand and picture what he meant without any visual help.
This particular TED talk solidifies the concept that the education system needs to be broken down and reconstructed. Sir Ken Robinson makes it very clear that children are the hope for the future, and that children are the creative ones in this world. I think that this TED talk especially matters because it clearly explains why the education system needs to allow children to be more free and creative in their schoolwork, starting immediately. Robinson points out that in every country in the world, math and literacy are considered the most important subjects in school which I think is a very accurate statement. His idea for better a better system is to treat creativity and literacy with the same status of importance. I think that since his talk in 2006, the world has improved upon these ideas slightly. At the school I attend, Arapahoe High School, some of my classes allow me to explore my creative ideas, and some do not. In my personal opinion, I think that the world is more likely to succeed greatly in the future if kids today are more interested in their education. This can be accomplished by allowing students the freedom in all aspects of their life.
Related Videos:
Sir Ken Robinson Follow-up Video
Adora Svitak: What Adults Can Learn from Adults
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